48 rue de l'Ermitage,Paris,
Agency / Profile
Founded in 2015, the web based design studio F451 is the union of Domitille Debret and Quentin Creuzet, two French digital designers whose work focuses on how the internet is influencing how users perceive, search and interact. With F451, they deconstruct ready made templates and experiment with the standards and conventions of the web. They shape a web where the inner structures are shown rather than hidden and where the content acts as the pillar of an ever-changing form. Both working between France and the Netherlands, their background mixes information design, graphic design, editorial design and type design, as well a self-taught programming approach to develop a critical research practice. Domitille is a Design Academy alumni of the MA Information Design and Quentin graduated from the MFA in Type Design of École Estienne. In the last 4 years, they collaborated with design studios such as Spassky Fischer, Building Paris, Studio Moniker, Studio Remco van Bladel, République Studio, Ludovic Balland Typography Cabinet or Groupe CCC / Alice Gavin Services and clients on various domains from art to design, including artists or cultural institutions.Contact
- Email [email protected]
- Website http://f451.faith/
- Twitter —